dmenu - Custom fork of dmenu
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DateCommit messageFiles+-
2025-03-09Flip layout when using bottom bar in vertical mode1+12-9
2025-03-09Show dmenu at the bottom of the screen1+1-1
2024-04-18Apply password patch3+23-5
2024-04-15Prepend 'x' to variable names set by Xresources2+11-11
2024-04-15Load font from Xresources4+12-6
2024-04-13Change font to DejaVu Sans Mono1+1-3
2024-04-12Change font to Hack1+1-1
2024-04-12Remove flashy comments1+2-2
2024-04-09Make colors consistent with the rest of the system1+4-4
2024-04-09Use XTerm default colors as defaults1+4-4
2024-04-09Simplify xresources patch for 16 colors only3+25-71
2024-04-09Apply xresources patch (with some modifications)7+102-24
2024-04-09Display on the top edge of the screen1+1-1
2024-04-09Add fork information to the README file1+17-27
2024-04-09Update colors1+1-1
2024-04-09Add default colors1+16-0
2024-04-09Source colors from file1+4-20
2024-04-09Bind Ctrl-k/j to move up and down1+6-5
2024-04-09Update man page installation path1+1-1
2024-04-09Update to work with OpenBSD1+2-3
2024-04-09Change font1+1-1
2024-04-09Change color scheme1+16-16
2024-04-09Update README1+10-0
2024-04-09Change font1+1-1
2024-04-09Set up custom config.h1+33-0
2024-04-09Apply fuzzymatch patch3+91-1
2024-03-19bump version to 5.31+1-1
2023-09-22Makefile: remove the options target1+2-8
2023-07-07drw: minor improvement to the nomatches cache3+13-12
2023-04-05fix BadMatch error when embedding on some windows1+2-1
2023-03-08readstdin: reduce memory-usage by duplicating the line from getline()1+5-4
2022-10-31readstdin: allocate amount of items1+6-4
2022-10-31readstdin: add a comment1+1-1
2022-10-30fix leak when getline fails1+3-1
2022-10-26dmenu: small XmbLookupString code improvements1+4-4
2022-10-04bump version to 5.21+1-1
2022-09-26dmenu: use die() to print the usage message1+2-3
2022-09-16remove workaround for a crash with color emojis on some systems, now fixed in libXft 2.3.51+0-14
2022-09-02fix a regression in the previous commit for tab complete1+1-1
2022-09-01tab-complete: figure out the size before copying1+2-2
2022-09-01readstdin: use getline(3)1+7-7
2022-08-08sync code-style patch from libsl1+12-11
2022-05-01Makefile: add manual path for OpenBSD1+1-0
2022-04-30fix incorrect comment, math is hard1+1-1
2022-04-29inputw: improve correctness and startup performance, by NRK1+2-8
2022-03-28drw_text: account for fallback fonts in ellipsis_width1+4-2
2022-03-27drw_text: don't segfault when called with 0 width1+1-1
2022-03-26fix UB with the function iscntrl()1+1-1
2022-03-26Revert "avoid redraw when there's no change"1+2-3
2022-03-25avoid redraw when there's no change1+3-2
589 more commits remaining, fetch the repository